Tuesday 4 October 2011


As for the first post,,here I won't talk much about the chapters and stuff which surely will twist your brain.
So,,I would like to share something NECESSARY and MUST READ stuff as we're gonna have the final exam in just few days more!!

FUN and CORRECT ways of learning Physics~~

  • First of all, study the objectives of each subtopics.
    • Then, in small paper/sticky note, jot down the keywords and the main point of the objectives. So that you'll know what the topics are going to talk and mess about. :))
  • Then, highlight the most wanted point.
    • Stress down the main pint, don't take your time too much buzying with non important notes. It's such messy, okay??
  • Have an overview for the topic.
    • As what we've done in the first step, jot down all the keywords from the whole topic. It's gonna look like mind map I guess.
  • Study the diagrams given.
    • Lot of diagram in Physics lecture note right?? Do you get what the diagrams say about? So, here is it, study the diagram, understand it, if not, go and see the master copy from the lecturer.
  • Study and redo the examples given in the lecture notes.
    • There are lot of examples, and also the solutions. Don't just look and read them, but, DO them! The only way for you to understand them are by doing them by referring to the solution and formulae given.
  • Memorise the formulae.
    • I can't say anything else about this. It's such an IMPORTANT and MUST do steps in studying Physics. Just remember the formulae, OKAY??
  • Redo the examples by not refering to the steps given in the lecture notes.
  • Do the exercise given.
  • Conclude the topic, by your own way, either by mind-mapping or short notes or whatsoever.
  • Don't ever try to summarise all the formulae for each chapter in a list, then try to memorise them in the same time or definitely you'll be crazy!!
  • If you still want to list the formulae, do it for each SUBTOPIC and memorise it instantly.
  • For short-term revision, before doing the exercise, jot down the main/important point for the topic, list the formulae, then have fun doing your exercise!!
After lot of revisions and exercises, remember and pray to God and let Him do the rest~~

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